Adolf Loos

Adolf Loos

1870-1933 Austrian architect Functionalism 『Looshaus』 『Villa Müller』 “Ornament and Crime”

Le Corbusier

Le Corbusier

1887-1965Swiss-French architect, designer, painterFive Points of ArchitectureFounding member of CIAM『Villa Savoye,』『Unité d’habitation』『Notre Dame du Haut』 【BOOK】 【MOVIE】

Ludwig Mies van der Rohe

Ludwig Mies van der Rohe

1886-1969 German-American architect Pioneers of modernist architecture Last director of the Bauhaus 『Barcelona Pavilion』『Villa Tugendhat』『Farnsworth House』 【BOOK】 【MOVIE】

Hans Scharoun

Hans Scharoun

1893-1972 German architect organic and expressionist  『Berlin Philharmonic』 『Schminke house』 『Berlin State Library』

Josef Gočár

Josef Gočár

1880-1945 Czech architect Czech Cubism, Czech Rondocubis 『House of the Black Madonna』 『Czechoslovak Legion Bank』

Frank Lloyd Wright

Frank Lloyd Wright

1867-1959 American architect Organic architecture RIBA Gold Medal AIA Gold Medal『Fallingwater』 『Guggenheim Museum』 『The Imperial Hotel Tokyo』 【BOOK】 【MOVIE】

Tatsuno Kingo

Tatsuno Kingo

1854-1919Japanese architectFormer dean of Architecture Department at Tokyo Imperial University『Tokyo Station』『the Bank of Japan building』『Nara Hotel』

Bruno Taut

Bruno Taut

1880-1938 German architect, urban planner and author Deutscher Werkbund 『Glass Pavilion』 『Großsiedlung Britz』

Louis Sullivan

Louis Sullivan

1856-1924 American architect Chicago School AIA Gold Medal 『Auditorium Building』 『Wainwright Building』 『Guaranty Building』

Tadao Ando

Tadao Ando

Tadao Ando 1941- Japanese architect    One of the world’s most active Japanese architects, known for his style of exposed concrete and the use of geometric shapes. He traveled around the world…

William Morris

William Morris

1834-1896 British textile designer, poet, novelist, socialist and activist the British Arts and Crafts Movement  『Red House』 『Strawberry Thief』 

Eliel Saarinen

Eliel Saarinen

1873-1950 Finnish-American architect art nouveau the Finnish National Romanticism 『Helsinki Central railway station』 『National Museum of Finland』 『Cranbrook Educational Community』

Antoni Gaudí

Antoni Gaudí

1852-1926 Catalan architect  Catalan Modernism 『Sagrada Família』 『Park Güell』 『Casa Milà』 『Casa Batlló』

Walter Gropius

Walter Gropius

1883-1969German architectFounder of the BauhausPioneers of modern architecture『Fagus Factory』『Bauhaus Dessau building』『Gropius House』 【BOOK】 【MOVIE】

Karl Friedrich Schinkel

Karl Friedrich Schinkel

Karl Friedrich Schinkel 1781-1841 Prussian architect, city planner, and painterNeoclassicalism 『Berlin Old Museum』 『Babelsberg Palace』 『Neue Wache Memorial』 



1919-1933 German art school in Weimar, Dessau, Berlin.Ludwig Mies van der RoheWalter GropiusHannes MeyerPaul KleeJosef AlbersJohannes IttenTheo van DoesburgMoholy-Nagy LászlóWassily KandinskyLyonel FeiningerHerbert BayerOskar SchlemmerPiet MondrianMarcel BreuerMarianne Brandt 【BOOK】 【PANORAMIC VIEW】 【MOVIE】